About Mapfish¶
The content of this page is outdated and is for archiving purposes only.
MapFish is an easy-to-use and extensible web 2.0 mapping application framework.
MapFish is composed of two parts: MapFish Client and MapFish Server. MapFish Client is a JavaScript framework based on OpenLayers for the mapping part, and on ExtJS for the GUI (widgets) part. MapFish Server is responsible for server side treatments and composed from several modules which can be implemented in several languages such as Python, Java, PHP.
MapFish is intended to be easy to use either as a standalone application or as an add on to an already existing web application. For example the printing server modules implements high ends functionnalities such as raster/vector multi sources combinations, integration of complex table.
Some other OSGeo projects like Geoserver plan to integrate this function and are very pleased to use MapFish for that purpose.
As a standalone application, MapFish offers ways to simply configure some parameters and quickly have a working web mapping application. As a framework, MapFish lets you develop advanced and customized webmapping applications. MapFish API also allows maps to be simply included in an already existing website such as CMS or Information System oriented applications.
MapFish takes advantage of the Open Source philosophy by nicely aggregating several existing OS libraries such as SQLAlchemy, GeoJSON, Shapely and JTS.
The strengths of MapFish reside in the integration of several components and the support of the latest Web 2.0 technology. This allows the creation of advanced Mapping solutions.
There is plans to use MapFish modular architecture to use some component for standalone integration into other project or applications (MapFish core libs).
An administration tool, named geoadminsuite, is under creation and will simplify the configuration work and will allow to create new MapFish applications.
Detailed information about how to install and use MapFish is available at the following address:
A working minimal MapFish instance is running on the workshop virtual server at the address
You’ll have to zoom in the Cape Town area and select the start and end point on the map, using the tool present on the Routing panel. It will only give result for the Cape Town area.
Here is some detailed information about how to use the routing system specifically used in this workshop and installed on the workshop virtual machine.
The Mapfish project can be found at:
From that directory, there are several levels of directories used by the deploy system.
The interesting stuff about how routing part is working will be found in:
From that point, the file public/index.html contains the JavaScript code to handle the routing part on the client side, including the panel.
//////////////////////////////////// MapFish routing code
var routing = new mapfish.Routing('routing', map, {
fetchRoute: function(button, event) {
var form = button.ownerCt.getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
this.parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON({
internalProjection: this.map.projection,
externalProjection: this.map.displayProjection
var selectPointLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("point select", {
displayInLayerSwitcher: false
selectPointControl = new
OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {
featureAdded: pointSelected
var dragFeature = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(selectPointLayer,
onComplete: pointSelected
//////////////////////////////////// Ext Panel code
var treePanel = {
title: 'Layer Tree',
xtype: 'layertree'
var routingPanel = {
title: 'Routing',
xtype: 'form',
defaultType: 'combo',
defaults: {
width: 160,
listWidth: 160,
allowBlank: false,
onTriggerClick: selectPoint,
triggerClass: 'x-form-search-trigger'
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Departure',
name: 'source'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Arrival',
name: 'target'
buttons: [{
text: 'Show Itinerary',
handler: routing.fetchRoute,
scope: routing
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
el: 'panel',
layout: 'accordion',
frame: false,
autoHeight: true,
defaults: {
border: false,
frame: false,
autoHeight: true,
bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px',
map: map
items: [treePanel, routingPanel]
The file public/osm.js contains the JavaScript code to be able to use OpenStreetMap tile with MapFish/OpenLayers.
On the server side, the file controllers/routing.py contains the code that handles the nearest edge calculation, the routing calculation with the route returns as a geojson object.
class RoutingController(BaseController):
def index(self):
# find the nearest node
source = self._nearestEdge(request.params['source']).source
target = self._nearestEdge(request.params['target']).target
# defines the shortest path function result
sp_result_type = [column('vertex_id'), column('edge_id'),
# the shortest path function
sp_func = func.shortest_path("SELECT gid AS id, source, target, length
AS cost FROM ways",
source, target, False, False)
# query the database
route = g.routing_engine.execute(select(sp_result_type,
ways = model.Session.query(osm.Way).filter(osm.Way.gid.in_([i.edge_id
for i in route]))
result = FeatureCollection([line.toFeature() for line in ways if line])
return dumps(result)
def _nearestEdge(self, wkt):
distance = func.distance(osm.ways_table.c.the_geom,
# find the nearest way
return model.Session.query(osm.ways_table, distance).order_by('dist')[0]
You can modify the routing function by modifying func.shortest_path.
The file model/osm.py contains the definition for the routing table used by the ORM, which is in this case composed one single table:
from foss4g08_routing.lib.base import *
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData, types
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
from mapfish.sqlalchemygeom import Geometry, GeometryTableMixIn
ways_table = Table('ways', MetaData(g.routing_engine),
Column('gid', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('the_geom', Geometry()),
Column('source', types.Integer),
Column('target', types.Integer))
class Way(GeometryTableMixIn):
__table__ = ways_table
mapper = mapper(Way, ways_table)