RFC 03: [done] Implementation of “All-pairs shortest path” algorithm




Daniel Kastl


daniel at georepublic.de

Last Edited:



Implemented (v2.0.0)


The all-pairs shortest path problem aims to compute the shortest path from each vertex v to every other u. Using standard single-source algorithms, you can expect to get a naive implementation of O(n^3) if you use Dijkstra for example – i.e. running a O(n^2) process n times. Likewise, if you use the Bellman-Ford- Moore algorithm on a dense graph, it’ll take about O(n^4), but handle negative arc-lengths too.

Storing all the paths explicitly can be very memory expensive indeed, as you need one spanning tree for each vertex. This is often impractical in terms of memory consumption, so these are usually considered as all-pairs shortest distance problems, which aim to find just the distance from each to each node to another.

The result of this operation is an n * n matrix, which stores estimated distances to the each node. This has many problems when the matrix gets too big, as the algorithm will scale very poorly.

[Source: https://ai-depot.com/BotNavigation/Path-AllPairs.html]

Implementation Details

There are two important algorithms that solve “All-pairs shortest path”:

At least one of them should be considered, if possible both of them.

Backwards Compatibilty Issues

Are not expected



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