Explanation of the OpenLayers-Code step 2¶
You might want to test if you routing-data are located correctly above the OpenLayers-OSM-Application, just take away the // at
var wms= new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled( "strassen",
{layers: 'streets',transparent:true, format: 'png'});
wms.isBaseLayer= false;
and write also:
map.addLayers([mapnik, start, stop,result,wms]);
In the mapfile you should comment out
#TEXT ([gid],[source],[target])
and you will get a screen like:

[[Great!!!!!]], so you know that the routing-data are on the right position in the map!! If you want you can turn off the WMS.
Some more explanations of the OpenLayers-Code:
var options = {
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
units: "m",
numZoomLevels: 22,
maxResolution: 156543.0339,
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508, -20037508,
20037508, 20037508.34)
map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
Projection and extend (of the Google-Mercator.projection) are set. Also a map-object is created and a Layerswitcher integrated. Coordinates are shown in WGS84 ( displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection(“EPSG:4326”), ).
function osm_getTileURL(bounds) {
var res = this.map.getResolution();
var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w));
var y = Math.round((this.maxExtent.top - bounds.top) / (res * this.tileSize.h));
var z = this.map.getZoom();
var limit = Math.pow(2, z);
if (y < 0 || y >= limit) {
return OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + "404.png";
} else {
x = ((x % limit) + limit) % limit;
return this.url + z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + this.type;
With that function you get OSM-Tiles for the layer mapnik:
// create OSM layer
var mapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
"OpenStreetMap (Mapnik)",
type: 'png', getURL: osm_getTileURL,
displayOutsideMaxExtent: true,
attribution: '<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a>'
And very important!
Very important is the following code-snippet:
if (startPoint && stopPoint) {
OpenLayers.loadURL("routing.php?startpoint="+startPoint.geometry.x+" "+startPoint.geometry.y+"&finalpoint="+stopPoint.geometry.x+" "+stopPoint.geometry.y+"&method=SPD&srid=900913",
function displayRoute(response) {
if (response && response.responseXML) {
// erase the previous results
function parseWKT(wkt) {
parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT();
var geometry = parser.read(wkt)
var features = parser.read(wkt);
var bounds;
if(features) {
if(features.constructor != Array) {
features = [features];
for(var i=0; i<features.length; ++i) {
if (!bounds) {
bounds = features[i].geometry.getBounds();
} else {
} else {
alert ("wrong");
element.value = 'Bad WKT';
// parse the features
var edges = response.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('edge');
var features = [];
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
var g = parseWKT(edges[i].getElementsByTagName('wkt')[0].textContent);
features.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(g));
If start- and endpoint are set and you click on “calculate route” via Ajax an URL is called with the coordinates of start and end-points
(OpenLayers.loadURL(“routing.php?startpoint=”+startPoint.geometry.x+” “+startPoint.geometry.y+”&finalpoint=”+stopPoint.geometry.x+” )
routing.php creates the geometry of the routing-ways (We will come to routing.php in the next step).
If these ways are correctly given back to our OpenLayers-script “parseWKT” is called. This parses the given “Well Known text-geodata” from routing.php.
for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
var g = parseWKT(edges[i].getElementsByTagName('wkt')[0].textContent);
features.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(g));
the geometry is parsed and set as a new Feature to the layer result.